Иван Ј. Златановић

др Иван Ј. Златановић, редовни професор
Катедра за пољопривредно машинство
Мејл адреса: izlatanovic@mas.bg.ac.rs

Термини за пријем студената

Среда 12-14ч, Кабинет 26/1


Завршни предмет - Машине и опрема за производњу и прераду хране
Завршни предмет - Обновљиви и секундарни ресурси
Завршни предмет - Сушење и хигротермички процеси
Машине и опрема за производњу и прераду хране
Моделирање процеса сушења
Моделирање процеса у производњи и преради хране
Обновљиви и секундарни ресурси
Оптимизација и пројектовање машина и опреме за производњу и прераду хране
Пројектовање постројења и процесних и енергетских система
Сушење и хигротермички процеси
Технике и технологије процеса сушења
Управљање микроклимом у пољопривредним и индустријским објектима

Истраживачка област

Ужа научна област: Пољопривредно машинство. Друге области интересовања: Сушење прехрамбених материјала, Технике сушења, Моделирање топлотних процеса и појава у пољопривреди, Примењена термодинамика, Обновљиви извори енергије, Одржива пољопривреда, Прецизна пољопривреда, итд.

Образовање, стручна спрема

Дипломирао је 2003. године на Машинском факултету Универзитета у Београду, а 2013. године је на Катедри за Термомеханику Машинског факултета у Београду одбранио докторску дисертацију под називом «Термомеханички процеси при сушењу прехрамбених материјала у системима са рециркулацијом ваздуха», чиме је стекао научни степен доктора наука у области Машинства.

Публикације, признања, награде

Аутор је универзитетског уџбеника под називом "Сушење у биотехничким системима" (2022). Аутор је и коаутор 103 научних и стручних радова, од којих је 9 радова објављено у врхунским међународним часописима са SCI листе, једно техничко решење (резултат истраживачког пројекта) и један реализован патент. Учествовао у реализацији 4 домаћа пројекта технолошког развоја, 2 домаћа пројекта Националног програма енергетске ефикасности Министарства за науку Републике Србије. Председник је oрганизационог и научног одбора једног интернационалног симпозијума, члан је уређивачког одбора једног часописа националног значаја, једног интернационалног симпозијума и признати је рецензент је једног домаћег и 7 међународнИХ часописа са SCI листе. Показатељи научне компетентности изражени у бодовима износе укупно М=193. Своје научно-стручно усавршавање обавио је 2019. године у Истраживачком центру за науку о животној средини (CIRSA) у Равени, Италија (при Универзитету у Болоњи) на тему производње био-горива поступцима гасификације и пиролизе.

Чланства у научним и стручним организацијама

Пуноправни члан у професионалним удружењима: • Инжењерска Комора Србије (Одговорни пројектант и извођач радова) • Савез машинских и електротехничких инжењера и техничара Србије • Удружење за климатизацију, грејање и хлађење Србије • Удружење термичара Србије • Одељење за енергетску ефикасност и обновљиве изворе енергије Србије


Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Zlatanović Ivan, Komatina Mirko, Antonijević Dragi (2013). Low-temperature convective drying of apple cubes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 53(1), 114-123.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1359-4311, 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2013.01.012, M21a.

Zlatanović Ivan, Rudonja Nedžad (2012). Experimental evaluation of desuperheating and oil cooling process through liquid injection in two-staged ammonia refrigeration systems with screw compressors, Applied Thermal Engineering, 40, 210-215.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1359-4311, 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.02.023, M21a.

Zlatanović Ivan, Gligorević Kosta, Ivanović Sanjin, Rudonja Nedžad (2011). Energy-saving estimation model for hypermarket HVAC systems applications, Energy and Buildings, 43(12), 3353-3359.
Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne, ISSN: 0378-7788, 10.1016/j.enbuild.2011.08.035, M21a.

Lučić Milica, Potkonjak Nebojša, Sredović Ignjatović Ivana, Lević Steva, Dajić-Stevanović Zora, Kolašinac Stefan, Belović Miona, Torbica Aleksandra, Zlatanović Ivan, Pavlović Vladimir, Onjia Antonije (2023). Influence of Ultrasonic and Chemical Pretreatments on Quality Attributes of Dried Pepper (Capsicum annuum), Foods, 12(13).
MDPI, ISSN: 2304-8158, 10.3390/foods12132468, M21.

Drazić Milan, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš B., Zlatanović Ivan, Spalević Velibor, Sestras Paul, Skatarić Goran, Dudić Branislav (2020). The Influence of the Application Technique and Amount of Liquid Starter Fertilizer on Corn Yield, Agriculture, 10(8).
MDPI, Basel, ISSN: 2077-0472, 10.3390/agriculture10080347, M21.

Zlatanović Ivan, Komatina Mirko, Antonijević Dragi (2017). Experimental Investigation of the Efficiency of Heat Pump Drying System with Full Air Recirculation, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(2).
Wiley, Hoboken, ISSN: 0145-8876, 10.1111/jfpe.12386, M22.

Milanović Mihailo P., Komatina Mirko, Zlatanović Ivan, Manić Nebojša, Antonijević Dragi (2021). Kinetic parameters identification of conductive enhanced hot air drying process of food waste, Thermal Science, 25(3), 1795-1807.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI200312223M, M23.

Nedić Nebojša M., Gojak Milan, Zlatanović Ivan, Rudonja Nedžad, Lazarević Kristina B., Drazić Milan S., Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš B. (2020). Study of vacuum and freeze drying of bee honey, Thermal Science, 24(6), 4241-4251.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd, ISSN: 0354-9836, 10.2298/TSCI200317194N, M23.

Rudonja Nedžad, Gojak Milan, Zlatanović Ivan, Todorović Ružica (2020). Thermodynamic Analysis of a Cascade Heat Pump Incorporated in High-Temperature Heating System, Strojniski Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 66(11), 677-683.
Assoc Mechanical Engineers Technicians Slovenia, Ljubljana, ISSN: 0039-2480, 10.5545/sv-jme.2020.6836, M23.

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Zlatanović Ivan, Pajić Miloš B., Rancić Dragana V., Dajic-Stevanović Zora, Dudić Dragana C. (2017). Drying Kinetics and Shrinkage Analysis of Valeriana Officinalis Roots, FME Transactions, 45(1), 142-148.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1701142Z, M24.

Zlatanović Ivan, Gligorević Kosta, Radojičić Dušan, Dražić Milan, Oljača Mićo, Dumanović Zoran, Mišović Miloš, Manić Nebojša, Rudonja Nedžad (2011). Analiza energetske efikasnosti sušenja semenskog kukuruza u Institutu za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje' u Zemunu, Poljoprivredna tehnika, 36(2), 87-96.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd, ISSN: 0554-5587, M51.

Zlatanović Ivan, Rudonja Nedžad, Gligorević Kosta (2011). Primena toplotnih pumpi u sistemima za sušenje prehrambenih proizvoda, Poljoprivredna tehnika, 36(2), 77-85.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd, ISSN: 0554-5587, M51.

Zlatanović Ivan, Rudonja Nedžad, Gligorević Kosta (2010). Kondenzaciona sušara sa potpunom recirkulacijom vazduha, Poljoprivredna tehnika, 35(3), 77-84.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd, ISSN: 0554-5587, M51.

Zlatanović Ivan, Rudonja Nedžad, Gligorević Kosta (2009). Frekventna regulacija rada ventilatora kao mera povećanja energetske efikasnosti sistema proizvodne hale farme tova pilića, Poljoprivredna tehnika, 34(3), 125-132.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Poljoprivredni fakultet - Institut za poljoprivrednu tehniku, Beograd, ISSN: 0554-5587, M51.

Радови са конференција

Jovanović Nemanja, Zlatanović Ivan, Simonović Vojislav, Rudonja Nedžad, Nedić Nebojša, Firfiris Vasileios (2023). REVIEW PAPER ON VARROA INFESTATION, DETECTION AND PREVENTION IN BEEHIVES, Proceedings of The Sixth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2023.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia., ISBN: 978-86-7834-427-5, M33.

Yacouba Kanoute, Zlatanović Ivan, Rudonja Nedžad, Simonović Vojislav (2023). OPTIMIZATION OF YIELD OF A FLAT PLATE SOLAR WATER COLLECTOR BY SIMULATION WITH MATLAB, Proceedings of The Sixth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2023.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia., ISBN: 978-86-7834-427-5, M33.

Simonović Vojislav, Korolija Nenad, Milošević Miloš, Zlatanović Ivan, Šakota Rosić Jovana (2023). Case Of Study For Draft Force Map Smoothing In Precision Agriculture, The 6th International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE 2023, 6, 52-57.
ISBN: 978-86-7834-427-5, M33.

Tasić Nevena, Ortopan Mateja, Simonović Vojislav, Zlatanović Ivan (2023). Measurement of vertical soil compaction after barley harvesting, The11th International Scientific Congress AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 2023, 1/10, 86-88.
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering INDUSTRY 4.0, ISSN: 2535-0269, M33.

Zlatanović Ivan, Simonović Vojislav, Rudonja Nedžad, Firfiris Vasileios, Marković Dragan (2022). Technical review on the applications of ultrasound in the engineering of biotechnical systems, The International Conference on Energy, Smart Structure and Manufacturing - ICESSM2022.
Department of Mechanical Sciences, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, M33.

Živković Milovan, Dražić Milan, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš, Bošković Biljana, Zlatanović Ivan, Simonović Vojislav (2021). TMA exploitation indicators for mechanized drilling of pits for planting fruit, The Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2021, Proceedingss.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-386-5, M33.

Simonović Andrej, Marković Dragan, Zlatanović Ivan, Simonović Vojislav, Pajić Miloš, Živković Milovan (2021). Enhancing agricultural industry through industry 4.0, The Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2021, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-386-5, M33.

Dražić MIlan, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš, Živković Milovan, Zlatanović Ivan, Simonović Vojislav, Bošković Biljana (2021). Reduction of plant weight loss in the process of hay baling using water steam, The Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2021, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-386-5, M33.

Pajić Miloš, Bošković Biljana, Dražić Milan, Gligorević Kosta, Živković Milovan, Simonović Vojislav, Zlatanović Ivan (2021). Application of contemporary technical systems in chemical protection of field crops: case study of wheat production in Serbia, The Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2021, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-386-5, M33.

Zlatanović Ivan, Nedić Nebojša, Sekar Subramani, Simonović Vojislav, Firfiris Vasileios (2021). Modeling the thin-layer drying of bee pollen, The Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2021, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-386-5, M33.

Simonović Vojislav, Simonović Andrej, Marković Dragan, Krstić Dragan, Medojević Ivana, Zlatanović Ivan (2020). Correlation Of Light Wavelengths On Spectral Camera And Vegetation Indexes In Barley Crop Scouting, Agricultureal Machinery 2020, VIII International scientific congress, 24th – 27th June 2020, Varna, Bulgaria.
Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 2535-0269, M33.

Simonović Vojislav, Zlatanović Ivan, Marković Dragan, Ristić Mladen (2020). Contribution To The Implementation Of Software Contol For Seeding Plates, TECHNOLOGICAL BASIS OF “INDUSTRY 4.0” SOCIETY & „INDUSTRY 4.0“, 2(9), 129-132.

Goričanec Darko, Rudonja Nedžad, Komatina Mirko, Andrejević Srđan, Krope Jurij, Zlatanović Ivan (2008). Каскадна геотермална топлотна пумпа - техно-економска анализа и еколошки утицај, 39. Међународни конгрес о грејању, хлађењу и климатизацији КГХ.
Beograd : SMEITS, ISBN: 978-86-81505-41-0, M33.

Oljača Mićo, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš, Zlatanović Ivan, Dražić Milan, Radojičić Dušan, Marković Dragan, Simonović Vojislav, Marković Ivana, Đokić Milorad, Dimitrovski Zoran (2016). Application of drone in agriculture, 18th Scientific conference „Current problems and tendecies in agricultural engineering“, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-262-2, M63.

Zlatanović Ivan (2021). Drying technologies in food engineering, The Fifth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2021, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-386-5.

Firfiris Vasileios, Martzopoulou Anastasia, Zlatanović Ivan, Kostopoulos Thomas (2021). Theoretical evaluation of steam chp system for covering the heating energy needs of a greenhouse through waste heat and CO2 needs through the combustion exhaust, 12th Conference of the Hellenic Society of Agriculture Engineers - EGME 2021, Proceedings “Praktika 2021”.
Hellenic Society of Agriculture Engineers.

Lučić Milica, Sredović Ignjatović Ivana, Lević Steva, Zlatanović Ivan, Onjia Antonije (2021). HPLC analysis of ascorbic acid in pretreated and dried red pepper (Capsicum annum), Unifood conference, University of Belgrade, Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-7522-066-4.

Bošković Biljana, Pajić Miloš, Zlatanović Ivan, Dražić Milan, Gligorević Kosta, Firfiris Vasileios (2019). The influence of the exploitation period on the proper operation of nozzels – the constituent element of orchard sprayers, The Third International Student Scientific Conference “Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Research”, Proceedings.
Belgrade : Central Institute of Conservation, ISBN: 978-86-6179-062-1.

Zlatanović Ivan, Nedić Nebojša, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš, Dražić Milan, Matović Kazimir (2019). Freeze-Drying Characteristics for the Conservation of Bee Pollen, The Fourth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2019, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-342-1.

Živković Milovan, Dražić Milan, Todić Slavica, Komnenić Vaso, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš, Zlatanović Ivan (2019). Application of Machines in the Grapevine Defoliation, The Fourth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2019, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-342-1.

Bošković Biljana, Pajić Miloš, Dražić Milan, Gligorević Kosta, Zlatanović Ivan, Balać Nebojša, Živković Milovan (2019). Technical Accuracy of Orchard Sprayer Used in Intensive Fruit and Vineyard Production in Republic of Serbia, The Fourth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2019, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-342-1.

Pajić Miloš, Bošković Biljana, Gligorević Kosta, Dražić Milan, Zlatanović Ivan, Žujović-Jovanović Suzana (2019). Results on the usage of UAV in chemical plant protection, The Fourth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering - ISAE-2019, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-341-4.

Zlatanović Ivan, Vasileios Firfiris, Milanović Mihailo P., Bošković Biljana, Rudonja Nedžad (2018). Тhe project for laboratory scale tunnel dryer for convective-conductive drying of food materials, Proceedings of selected papers and abstracts The Second International Students Scientific Conference.

Marina Irina, Rilak Isidora, Zlatanović Ivan (2017). Infrared-thermography based thermal analysis of the old vs. New type of the non-residential building construction at the identical geo-location and orientation, The First International Student Scientific Conference “Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Research”, Proceedings.
Belgrade : Central Institute of Conservation, ISBN: 978-86-6179-056-0.

Milanović Mihailo, Komatina Mirko, Zlatanović Ivan (2017). Technical review on properties, utilization and drying of apple pomace, The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2017, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-288-2.

Živković Milovan, Zarić Vlade, Zlatanović Ivan, Dražić Milan, Stanojević Milica (2017). Potential and limitations of plum drying and sales: case of Osečina municipality, The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2017, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-288-2.

Okulić Marko, Ožegović Marko, Zlatanović Ivan (2015). Techno-economic study of simplified cooling time estimation methods applied on two-phase yogurt manufacturing technology, 46th international congres and exibition on HVAC&R, Serbian Union of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (SMEITS), Proceedings.
Serbian Union of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (SMEITS), ISBN: 978-86-81505-79-3.

Petrović Dragan, Zlatanović Ivan, Radojević Rade, Urošević Mirko, Gligorević Kosta, Kokanović Marko (2015). Berry harvesting by pulsed air flow, The Second International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2015, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-232-5.

Zlatanović Ivan, Radojičić Dušan, Radivojević Dušan, Pajić Miloš, Gligorević Kosta, Dražić Milan (2014). Efficiency and using possibilities of heat recovery process from milk cooling system with precooling, 3th International symposium and 19th Scientific conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska, Book of Abstracts.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN: 978-99938-93-27-1.

Dražić Milan, Pajić Miloš, Radojičić Dušan, Zlatanović Ivan, Dumanović Zoran (2014). Application techniques of liquid starter fertilizer in commercial maize production, 3th International symposium and 19th Scientific conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska, Book of Abstracts.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, ISBN: 978-99938-93-27-1.

Zlatanović Ivan, Radojičić Dušan, Rudonja Nedžad, Radivojević Dušan, Topisirović Goran (2013). Exergy and energy analysis of dairy refrigeration heat recovery system performance, Proceedings of the Fifth conference, Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering Ruse EE&AE 2013, Bulgaria.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), ISSN: 1311-9974.

Zlatanović Ivan, Radojičić Dušan, Rudonja Nedžad, Radivojević Dušan, Topisirović Goran (2013). ENERGY AND EXERGY ANALYSIS OF A DAIRY REFRIGERATION HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PERFORMANCE, Proceedings of the Fifth conference, Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering Ruse, Bulgaria.
ISSN: 1311-9974.

Pajić Miloš, Oljača Mićo, Gligorević Kosta, Dumanović Zoran, Radojičić Dušan, Dražić Milan, Zlatanović Ivan (2013). Effects of conservation soil tillage systems on yield of maize, winter wheat and sunflower in Srem region, The First International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering (ISAE-2013), Book Of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-186-1.

Gligorević Kosta, Oljača Mićo, Ružičić Lazar, Dimitrovski Zoran, Zlatanović Ivan (2012). Аccidents with tractors and agricultural machinery in public transport of republic of serbia without provinces, XI International Symposium „Road accidents prevention 2012“, Proceedings.
Novi Sad : Faculty of Technical Sciences, ISBN: 978-86-7892-412-5.

Radojičić Dušan, Zlatanović Ivan, Radivojević Dušan, Topisirović Goran, Gligorević Kosta, Pajić Miloš, Dražić Milan (2012). Possibilities, significance and effects of air purification in livestock production, 16th Scientific conference „Current problems and tendecies in agricultural engineering“, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-168-7.

Zlatanović Ivan (2012). Application of modern drying technology in the food processing industry, 16th Scientific conference „Current problems and tendecies in agricultural engineering“, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering.

Zlatanović Ivan (2012). Types, classification and selection of dryers in agroindustry, 16th Scientific conference „Current problems and tendecies in agricultural engineering“, Proceedings.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, The Institute for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-168-7.

Поглавља у књигама

Veličković Nikola, Simonović Vojislav, Zlatanović Ivan, Đedović Đorđe, Šakota Rosić Jovana (2023). Analysis of Two Stage Production Technology of Defatted Soybean Flakes, EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION IN APPLIED SCIENCES, CNNTECH 2022, 564, 27-43.
Springer, ISSN: 2367-3370, ISBN: 978-3-031-19498-6, 10.1007/978-3-031-19499-3_2, M14.

Zlatanović Ivan, Radojičić D., Topisirović G. (2017). Convective drying of potato slices at low temperatures in full air recirculation dryer, Engineering Practices for Agricultural Production and Water Conservation: An Interdisciplinary Appro.
Apple Academic Press, 10.1201/9781315365954.