др Никола С. Давидовић, ванредни професор
Катедра за ваздухопловство
Кабинет: 5
Мејл адреса: ndavidovic@mas.bg.ac.rs
четвртак 10-12
Ваздухопловни пропулзори
Завршни предмет - Аеродинамика
Завршни предмет - Погон и опрема летелица
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Управљање пројектом и ваздухопловни прописи
млазна пропулзија
Машински Факултет Универзитета У Београду, дипл. инж., 1996., Машински Факултет Универзитета У Београду, Мр, 2000., Машински Факултет Универзитета У Београду, Др, 2003.,
Davidović Nikola, Kolarević Nenad, Stanković Miloš, Miloš Marko (2022). Research of expendable turbojet tubular combustion chamber, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 14(5).
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1687-8132, 10.1177/16878132221095999, M23.
Kolarević Nenad, Stanković Miloš, Miloš Marko, Davidović Nikola (2022). Analysis and design of the gas generator multifunctional bulkhead considering the thermal and structural loads, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 14(8).
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1687-8132, 10.1177/16878132221115939, M23.
Stanković Miloš, Kolarević Nenad, Davidović Nikola, Miloš Marko (2022). Influence of the air pressure and oil amount to the temperature of the high-speed bearings lubricated by oil mist, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 74(3), 335-341.
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, Bingley, ISSN: 0036-8792, 10.1108/ILT-06-2021-0222, M23.
Miloš Predrag, Davidović Nikola, Jojić Branislav, Miloš Marko, Todić Ivana (2015). A novel 6 dof thrust vector control test stand, Tehnički vjesnik, 22(5), 1247-1254.
Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, Slavonski Brod, ISSN: 1330-3651, 10.17559/TV-20140621064603, M23.
Davidović Nikola, Miloš Predrag, Jojić Branislav, Miloš Marko (2015). Contribution to research of spoiler and dome deflector tvc systems in rocket propulsion, Tehnički vjesnik, 22(4), 907-915.
Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, Slavonski Brod, ISSN: 1330-3651, 10.17559/TV-20140621063849, M23.
Davidović Nikola, Miloš Predrag, Elmahmodi Aiman, Miloš Marko, Jojić Branislav, Todić Ivana (2014). Modifikacija postojećeg turbovratilnog motora da bi kao gorivo koristio sintetički gas, FME Transactions, 42(2), 112-117.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1402112D, M24.
Kolarević Nenad, Davidović Nikola, Miloš Predrag, Jojić Branislav, Miloš Marko (2013). Experimental determination of light helicopter rotor lift characteristics with tip-jet propulsion system, 30th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2013 - Proceedings.
Croatian Society of Mechanics, M34.
Damjanović S., Miloš Predrag, Davidović Nikola, Jojić Branislav, Miloš Marko (2013). Measuring of resultant aerodinamyc force on vertical tail of the tip-jet helicopter, 30th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2013 - Proceedings.
Croatian Society of Mechanics.
Kosanović N., Davidović Nikola, Miloš Predrag, Jojić Branislav, Miloš Marko (2013). Monitoring of engine parameters in tip jet helicopter tests, 30th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2013 - Proceedings.
Croatian Society of Mechanics.
Haider B.A., Davidović Nikola, Durrani N. (2011). Parametric analysis of expendable type single-spool turbojet engine with a short afterburner, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., 10.2514/6.2011-574.
Haider B.A., Davidović Nikola, Durrani N. (2011). Preliminary design of a short afterburner for single-spool expendable turbojet engine, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc., 10.2514/6.2011-575.
Davidović Nikola, Miloš Predrag, Kolarević Nenad, Ivanov Toni, Jojić Branislav (2021). Study of innovative subsonic ramjet, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 153, 413-431.
Springer, ISSN: 2367-3370, 10.1007/978-3-030-58362-0_24, M14.
Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет
Краљице Марије 16, 11120 Београд 35
тел. (+381 11) 3302-200, факс 3370364