Александар Г. Жуњић

др Александар Г. Жуњић, редовни професор
Катедра за индустријско инжењерство
Кабинет: 407/1
Мејл адреса: azunjic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Телефон: локал 311; директан 3302-311


Ергономски дизајн
Ергономско пројектовање
Завршни предмет - Индустријска ергономија
Индустријска ергономија
Интерфејси за интероперабилност система за Индустрију 4.0
Интерфејс човек-машина
Менаџмент ризиком
Пројектовање система човек - машина

Истраживачка област

Ергономско дизајнирање и оцена производа и радних места, процена ризика и безбедност система човек - машина, менаџмент у производњи.

Образовање, стручна спрема

Машински Факултет Универзитета у Београду, дипл.инж., 1995. Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Мр, 2000. Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Др, 2005.

Публикације, признања, награде

Генерални секретар Европске Ергономске Асоцијације (Federation of European Ergonomics Societies - FEES). Председник Ergonomics Society of Serbia. Fellow member of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI). Председник International Engineering and Technology Institute за град Београд. Главни едитор 2 међународна часописа иностраних издавача од њиховог оснивања. Члан едиторског одбора још 4 међународна часописа иностраних издавача, и једне издавачке куће из UK. Научни рад Проф. Др Александара Жуњића под називом "WHY THE FIRST AND THE SECOND LAW OF ILLUMINATION SHOULD BE REPLACED WITH THE NEW UNIVERSAL LAW OF ILLUMINATION?" је добитник награде за најбољи рад из области ергономије и безбедности, коју је доделила међународна научна организација International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) за 2022/2023 годину. Научни рад Проф. Александра Жуњића под називом "WORK IN SCHOOLS IN THE PANDEMIC - A PROPOSAL OF A METHOD FOR CHILDREN TESTING ON COVID-19 VIRUS" који је објављен у редовном издању часопису IETI TES је презентован и доступан на интернет презентацијама Светске Здраврствене Организације (WHO), Светске Ергономске Асоцијације (IEA) и Европске Ергономске Асоцијације (FEES). Поред тога, специјално издање часописа IETI TES где је Проф. Жуњић главни едитор је 2020. године уврштено на интернет презентацију Светске Ергономске Асоцијације (IEA), као и Европске Ергономске Асоцијације (FEES). Проф. Жуњић има дванаест поглавља у књигама/монографијама реномираних светских издавача. Едитор је монографије реномираног светског издавача. Има 6 регистрованих патената, 3 монографије националног значаја, 49 радова у међународним и домаћим часописима, преко 40 радова на међународним и домаћим конгресима, 1 уџбеник, 1 практикум, 9 техничких решења, учесник (на некима и руководилац) 5 међународних и 8 националних пројеката. Рецензент 14 међународних часописа. Реномирана интернационална издавачка кућа Elsevier му је 2017. године доделила сертификат за изванредан допринос рецензирању научних радова. Добитник је сертификата и награде Ергономског друштва Румуније за допринос развоју ергономије у тој земљи. Био је репрезентативац и вишеструки првак Србије у стоном тенису у свим категоријама.

Чланства у научним и стручним организацијама

Члан International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES), Ergonomics Society of Serbia (ESS). Проф. Жуњић је изабран у једну од укупно две експертске радне групе Европске Комисије које су директно задужене за промоцију и развој Индустрије 5.0. Експертске радне групе су део Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Радна група od 18 експерата у којој је ангажован има назив Business Case 5.0 for Sustainable Competitiveness. Поред тога, члан је Technical Committee of the International Ergonomics Association - Work With Computing Systems (WWCS). Члан Управног одбора и Савета International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI). Члан савета International Ergonomics Association и Federation of European Ergonomics Societies. Члан научно - стручне секције International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) за област Машинство. Члан ASA Committee for the election of the Annual Scientific Award Winner of the International Engineering and Technology Institute for 2016 and 2017. Executive Committee Member za oblast Bezbednost i zdravlje svetske ergonomske asocijacije (IEA).


Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Ivanišević Tijana, Trifunović Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana, Pešić Dalibor, Simović Sreten, Žunjić Aleksandar, Duplakova Darina, Duplak Jan, Manojlović Uroš (2023). Analysis and Determination of the Lateral Distance Parameters of Vehicles When Overtaking an Electric Bicycle from the Point of View of Road Safety, Applied Sciences, 13(3).
MDPI, ISSN: 2076-3417, 10.3390/app13031621, M22.

Manojlović Uroš, Žunjić Aleksandar, Trifunović Aleksandar, Ivanišević Tijana, Duplakova Darina, Duplak Jan, Čičević Svetlana (2023). Usability of Certain Symbols Indicating Automobile Safety Status Based on Youth Assessment, Applied Sciences, 13(9749), 1-17.
MDPI, M22.

Pesić Dalibor, Trifunović Aleksandar, Ivković Ivan, Cicević Svetlana, Žunjić Aleksandar (2019). Evaluation of the effects of daytime running lights for passenger cars, Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 66, 252-261.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1369-8478, 10.1016/j.trf.2019.09.008, M22.

Stojiljković Evica, Janacković Goran, Grozdanović Miroljub, Savić Suzana, Žunjić Aleksandar (2016). Development and Application of a Decision Support System for Human Reliability Assessment - A Case Study of an Electric Power Company, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 32(4), 1581-1590.
Wiley, Hoboken, ISSN: 0748-8017, 10.1002/qre.1855, M22.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Milanović Dragan, Milanović Dragan, Misita Mirjana, Lukić Petar (2012). Development of a tool for assessment of VDT workplaces - A case study, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42(6), 581-591.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISSN: 0169-8141, 10.1016/j.ergon.2012.10.001, M22.

Kefer Petar, Milanović Dragan, Misita Mirjana, Žunjić Aleksandar (2016). Fuzzy Multicriteria ABC Supplier Classification in Global Supply Chain, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016.
Hindawi Ltd, London, ISSN: 1024-123X, 10.1155/2016/9139483, M23.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Spasojević Brkić Vesna, Klarin Milivoj, Brkić Aleksandar, Krstić Dragan (2015). Anthropometric assessment of crane cabins and recommendations for design: A case study, Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 52(1), 185-194.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISSN: 1051-9815, 10.3233/WOR-152042, M23.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2012). SCANAM method for the assessment of industrial noise, Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 41, 2974-2981.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISSN: 1051-9815, 10.3233/WOR-2012-0552-2974, M23.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Ristić Ljiljana, Milanović Dragan (2012). Effects of screen filter on visibility of alphanumeric presentation on CRT and LCD monitors, Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 41, 3553-3559.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISSN: 1051-9815, 10.3233/WOR-2012-1037-3553, M23.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sremcević Vladimir, Zeravčić-Šijački Vera, Sijacki Ana (2012). Research of injuries of passengers in city buses as a consequence of non-collision effects, Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 41, 4943-4950.
IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISSN: 1051-9815, 10.3233/WOR-2012-0790-4943, M23.

Lukić Petar, Šašić Rajko M., Lončar B. B., Žunjić Aleksandar (2011). Analytical model of SiC DIMOSFET's drift region voltage impact on current-voltage characteristics, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 5(5-6), 551-554.
Natl Inst Optoelectronics, Bucharest-Magurele, ISSN: 1842-6573, M23.

Milanović Dragan, Milanović Dragan, Misita Mirjana, Klarin Milivoj, Žunjić Aleksandar (2010). Universal equation for the relative change in profit of manufacturing company, Production Planning & Control, 21(8), 751-759.
Taylor & Francis Ltd, Abingdon, ISSN: 0953-7287, 10.1080/09537281003601605, M23.

Klarin Milivoj, Spasojević Brkić Vesna, Sajfert Zvonko, Žunjić Aleksandar, Nikolić M. S. (2009). Determination of passenger car interior space for foot controls accommodation, Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering, 223(D12), 1529-1547.
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 0954-4070, 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1184, M23.

Milanović Dragan, Klarin Milivoj, Misita Mirjana, Milanović Dragan, Žunjić Aleksandar (2009). Identification of invariant factors that determine labour output on the production line, Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 223(12), 1615-1623.
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 0954-4054, 10.1243/09544054JEM1547, M23.

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Žunjić Aleksandar, Papić Goran, Bojović Božica, Matija Lidija, Slavković Goran, Lukić Petar (2015). Funkcija ergonomije u unapređenju kvaliteta obrazovanja, FME Transactions, 43(1), 82-87.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1501082Z, M24.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Manojlović Uroš, Čičević Svetlana, Trifunović Aleksandar (2022). Evaluation of the usability of certain symbols indicating automobile lighting status, Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, LXVIII(3), 19-22.
Serbian Society for Roads VIA VITA, 10.31075/PIS.68.03.03, M51.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana (2014). Istraživanje uticaja buke na vreme odgovora vozača, Put i saobraćaj.
Serbian Society for Roads VIA VITA, ISSN: 0478-9733, M51.

Lukić Petar, Žunjić Aleksandar (2010). Ergonomsko i elektronsko dizajniranje mišićnog stimulatora, FME Transactions, 38(3), 151-156.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M51.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2004). Visual performance research of call centre VDT operators, FME Transactions, 32(2), 99-105.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M52.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Ferreira Pedro, Szabo Gyula, Etienne Pascal (2023). An overview of the role of ergonomics and ergonomists in consumer products design, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 7(1), 1-10.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2616-1699, 10.6723/TERP.202303_7(1).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2023). Why the first and the second law of illumination should be replaced with the new universal law of illumination?, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 7(1), 1-12.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2616-1699, 10.6722/TES.202304_7(1).0001., M53.

Ivanišević Tijana, Trifunović Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana, Žunjić Aleksandar, Mitrović Slobodan, Vukšić Vedran (2023). Traffic safety in road construction zones in the Republic of Serbia, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 7(1), 35-44.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6723/TERP.202303_7(1).0004, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2023). Belittlement as a Psychological Phenomenon and Form of Behavior - Causes, Risks and Fatal Consequences, International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology, 11(01e), 01-06.
SciDoc Publishers, ISSN: 2332-3000, M53.

Etienne Pascal, Žunjić Aleksandar, Ferreira Pedro, Michez Bernard, Szabo Gyula (2022). Inter Connections Between Ergonomics And EU Machinery Directive – A Standpoint Of The Federation Of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES), IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 6(1), 1-14.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2616-1699, 10.6723/TERP.202207_6(1).0001, M53.

Trifunović Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana, Žunjić Aleksandar, Ivanišević Tijana, Mitrović Slobodan, Xiao-Guang Yue (2022). Perception of distance using rear-view mirrors in a vehicle, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 6(2), 1-10.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.202212_6(2).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2022). Making Decisions Based on Feelings - How Dangerous It Could Be, International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology, 10(01e), 1-3.
SciDoc Publishers, ISSN: 2332-3000, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Manojlović Uroš (2022). Evaluation of the usability of symbols indicating a malfunction of automobiles, ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS - Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, and Engineering, 65(3S), 959-965.

Szabo Gyula, Balogh Zoltan, Dovramadjiev Tihomir, Draghici Anca, Gajsek Brigita, Jurčević-Lulić Tanja, Reiner Michael, Mrugalska Beata, Žunjić Aleksandar (2021). Introducing the ergonomics and human factors regional educational ceepus network, Acta Technica Napocensis Series-Applied Mathematics Mechanics and Engineering, 64(1), 201-212.
Technical Univ Cluj-Napoca, Fac Machine Building Dept Systems Eng, Cluj-Napoca, ISSN: 1221-5872, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sremčević Vladimir, Xiao-Guang Yue (2021). Study of differences in illumination inside buses for city transport of passengers, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 5(1), 1-11.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.202105_5(1).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2021). A Negative Feedback Between Democracy, Human Behavior and Achievement Of A Goal, International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology, 09(01e), 1-2.
SciDoc Publishers, ISSN: 2332-3000, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Ćosić Igor (2021). Identification of ergonomic hazards and risk assessment for the workplace of operator of a bucket-wheel excavator - case study, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 5(2), 1-7.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6723/TERP.202112_5(2).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Ćosić Igor, Xiao-Guang Yue (2021). Identification of hazards and risk assessment for the workplace of maintenance worker of a bucket-wheel excavator - case study, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 5(2), 37-46.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6723/TERP.202112_5(2).0005, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Radomirović Slađana, Yue Xiao-Guang (2021). New method for the research of the effects of social isolation due to COVID-19 pandemic on stress, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 5(2), 1-15.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.202112_5(2).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Novaković Marina (2021). Study of the ergonomic - organizational response of large companies to the safety threats caused by COVID-19 virus - case study, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 5(2), 16-26.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.202112_5(2).0002, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Radomirović Slađana (2021). Employees' perception of COVID-19 pandemic's influence on the basic job descriptors, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 5(2), 27-35.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.202112_5(2).0003, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Radomirović Slađana (2021). Economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pensioners' perception in connection with the possibility of meeting their existential needs, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 5(2), 36-42.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.202112_5(2).0004, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2020). Work in schools in the pandemic – a proposal of a method for children testing on COVID-19 virus, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 4(2), 1-10.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2520-5439, 10.6722/TES.202012_4(2).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2020). The role of ergonomics in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 4(1), 1-4.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2520-5439, 10.6722/TES.202010_4(1).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2020). The influence of preventive maintenance of the city water supply network on the safe performance of citizens work activities in the conditions of the COVID-19 virus pandemic - case study, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 4(1), 5-8.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2520-5439, 10.6722/TES.202010_4(1).0002, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Stojković Dušan, Čičević Svetlana, Trifunović Aleksandar, Xiao-Guang Yue (2020). Influence of COVID-19 virus on stress level in population groups with different status and characteristics of employment, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 4(1), 32-38.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2520-5439, 10.6722/TES.202010_4(1).0005, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2019). Ergonomics, International Labour Organization and future of work, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 3(2), 1-10.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2520-5439, 10.6722/TES.201912_3(2).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Bantić Ana (2019). Usability assessment of a quick start guide of a SAMSUNG GALAXY J5 cell phone, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 3(1), 1-11.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.201907_3(1).0001, M53.

Trifunović Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana, Žunjić Aleksandar, Dragović Magdalena, Xiao-Guang Yue (2019). An experimental study on the certain effects of colors on the perception of preschool and primary school children - implications to design, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 3(1), 38-43.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.201907_3(1).0005, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sremčević Vladimir, Čičević Svetlana (2019). Study of formaly unregistered injuries of travelers on city buses, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 3(1), 25-31.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.201907_3(1).0003, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Xiao-Guang Yue (2018). Application of Ergonomics in Supply Chains, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 2(1), 1-4.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 0.6722/TES.201808_2(1).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Xiao-Guang Yue (2018). Identification of a Factor That Should be Included in Air Quality and Microclimatic Studies of Air-Conditioned Buildings, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 2(1), 1-5.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6723/TERP.201806_2(1).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2018). Classification of Causes of Errors in the Human - Robot System, Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering Research, 2(2), 7-13.
Verizona Publisher, 10.24218/jrmer.2018.26, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2017). Ergonomics for newborns - certain implications for parents and designers, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 1(2), 1-10.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.201712_1(2).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Stojović Filip, Xiao-Guang Yue, Papić Goran (2017). Human factors in accidents of airships, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 1(2), 22-28.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.201712_1(2).0003, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2017). A new definition of ergonomics, IETI Transactions on Ergonomics and Safety, 1(1), 1-6.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), 10.6722/TES.201703_1(1).0001, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Xiao-Guang Yue (2017). Quantification and mutual interdependence of the components of the potential of the energy model of the production system, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 1(1), 1-7.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2616-1699, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2015). Performance and Workload of Operators in a Human - Telerobot System, International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology, 3(2e), 1-3.
SciDoc Publishers, 10.19070/2332-3000-150004e, M53.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Papić Goran (2014). An Overview of Structural Information Processing Models in the Cognitive Domain, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences, 2(5), 1-6.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Multidisciplinary Physical Sciences, ISSN: 2349-7300, https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/Y2GU9, M53.

Радови са конференција

Žunjić Aleksandar, Manojlović Uroš, Čičević Svetlana, Trifunović Aleksandar (2022). Evaluation of the usability of symbols indicating the state of automobile lighting, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering SIE 2022.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-131-7, M33.

Trifunović Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana, Pešić Dalibor, Petrović Maja, Žunjić Aleksandar, Lazarević Dragan (2022). The importance of traffic playground design for educating children about traffic safety, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering SIE 2022.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-131-7, M33.

Bojović Božica, Babić Bojan, Žunjić Aleksandar (2013). Metal sheet surface characterization prior to and after processing by areal roughness parameters, Proceedings 7th International Working Conference-TQM & AIA.
ISBN: 978-86-7083-790-4, M33.

Etienne P., Žunjić Aleksandar, Ferreira P., Michez B., Szabo Gyula (2021). The European Machinery Directive: A Challenge for Manufacturers and Users, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 221 LNNS, 432-438.
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, ISSN: 2367-3370, 10.1007/978-3-030-74608-7_54.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Leduc Sylvain (2019). Readability as a Component of the Usability of a Web Presentation - A Case Study from the Banking Sector, Proceedings of The 20th Congress of The International Ergonomics Association (Iea 2018), Vol V: Huma, 822, 441-456.
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, ISSN: 2194-5357, 10.1007/978-3-319-96077-7_47.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2019). ULOGA I ZNAČAJ ERGONOMIJE ZA PROFESIONALNU BEZBEDNOST I ZDRAVLJE NA RADU, Zbornik radova sa petog naučno - stručnog skupa Politehnika.
Beogradska politehnika, ISBN: 978-86-7498-081-1.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sremčević Vladimir, Čičević Svetlana (2018). Research of Undocumented Injuries of Passengers in Buses for City Transport, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering SIE 2018, Belgrade.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-981-6.

Trifunović Aleksandar, Čičević Svetlana, Žunjić Aleksandar, Dragović Magdalena (2018). The Importance of Ergonomic Principles in Design of the Traffic Signs for Children, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Belgrade.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-981-6.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sremčević Vladimir, Čičević Svetlana, Trifunović Aleksandar, Stojiljković Evica (2018). The effects of interior design of public transport buses on passengers safety, Proceedings of the 18th Man and Working Environment International Conference.

Misita Mirjana, Milanović Dragan, Dragojlović Predrag, Žunjić Aleksandar (2017). Risk management and multiple criteria decision making of entreprise production program, 2nd International conference on Quality of Life : Conference manual, June 08th -10th 2017, Kragujevac.
Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, ISBN: 978-86-6335-043-4.

Misita Mirjana, Milanović Dragan, Pavlović Sofija, Tadić Danijela, Žunjić Aleksandar (2017). Model lean upravljanja proizvodnim resursima na bazi rizika, XI Skup privrednika i naučnika SPIN ’17 Štedljivo (lean) upravljanje resursima u privredi republike Srbije : zbornik radova, Beograd, 09-10. novembar 2017.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, ISBN: 978-86-7680-343-9.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Matija Lidija, Munćan Jelena, Mileusnić Ivana, Petrov Ljubiša (2015). Occupational hazards in dentistry - applications of the near infrared spectroscopy in diagnostics of fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Belgrade.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-864-2.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Munćan Jelena, Matija Lidija, Petrov Ljubiša, Mileusnić Ivana (2015). General ergonomic considerations of design of a telerobotic system, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Belgrade.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-864-2.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Žakić Nedeljković Dragana (2015). Ergonomic analysis of the effects of the introduction of electronic displays in the cockpits of light single-engine piston aircrafts, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Belgrade.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-864-2.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sofijanić Svetozar, Stojiljković Evica (2014). Anthropometric Consideration of Interior Design of City Buses, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, Krakow, Poland.
AHFE Conference, [Louisville, Ky.], ISBN: 9781495121067.

Srpski akademski centar, ISBN: 978-86-89087-12-3.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Lesnikov Vladimir (2014). Evaluation of an Optimal Width of a Rear Seat of Sedans, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, Krakow, Poland.
AHFE, ISBN: 1495115720.

Bojović Božica, Babić Bojan, Žunjić Aleksandar (2013). METAL SHEET SURFACE CHARACTERIZATION PRIOR TO AND AFTER PROCESSING BY AREAL ROUGHNESS PARAMETERS, International Conference TQM - Advanced and Intelligent Approaches.
ISBN: 978-86-7083-790-4.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2012). Some problems of implementation of standards in the field of human - computer interaction, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Belgrade.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-758-4.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2012). Structural analysis of information processing models according to Bower and Mazur, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Beograd.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-758-4.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Orlović Nikolina (2012). Possibilities and constraints of application of the WERA method for risk assessment associated with VDT work, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, Beograd.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-758-4.

Поглавља у књигама

Žunjić Aleksandar (2022). Dimensional Aspects of Usability of the Beds, Handbook of Usability and User Experience - Research and Case Studies.
CRC Press – Taylor & Francis, ISBN: 9780429343513.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Lesnikov Vladimir (2022). Usability of the Back Seat of Wagon Cars – Recommendations for Design, Handbook of Usability and User Experience - Research and Case Studies.
CRC Press – Taylor & Francis, ISBN: 9780429343513.

Žunjić Aleksandar, Tsaklis P.V., Yue X.-G. (2017). The relationship between ergonomics, safety and aesthetics in the design of consumer products and systems, Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Popović-Maneski L., Žunjić Aleksandar (2017). Safety and ergonomic design issues of certain types of robots, Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Cicević S., Dragović M., Žunjić Aleksandar, Trifunović Aleksandar, Mitrović S., Nešić M. (2017). The evaluation of road design elements before and after reconstruction, Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Žunjić Aleksandar, Cicević S. (2017). Design of the questionnaire for the assessment of the comfort of Urban city buses, Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Žunjić Aleksandar, Stojicić V. (2017). Ergonomics of sleeper chairs, Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Žunjić Aleksandar, Sofijanić Svetozar, Stojiljković Evica (2016). Certain ergonomic considerations and design solutions connected with the safety and comfort of city buses, Ergonomics in Design: Methods and Techniques.
CRC Press, 10.1201/9781315367668.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2016). Readability of various design solutions of analog visual displays of semicircular shape, Ergonomics Challenges, Applications and New Perspectives.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-53610-248-2.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2011). Consumer product risk assessment, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design: Uses and Applications.
CRC Press.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2011). Ergonomics of packaging, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Product Design: Uses and Applications.
CRC Press.


Kefer Petar, Milanović Dragan D, Žunjić Aleksandar (2018). Integrated Model of Company Management with Focus on Supply Chains.
IP JOVAN, ISBN: 978-86-6041-109-1.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2017). Ergonomic design and assessment of products and systems, Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems.
Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Žunjić Aleksandar (2013). Elementi interfejsa u sistemu čovek - kompjuter.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-776-8.

Žunjić Aleksandar (2013). Elementi interakcije u sistemu čovek - kompjuter, 1.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-775-1.

Менторство одбрањених докторских дисертација од 2013. године

Повреде и окружење путника као основа за дизајн аутобуса са аспекта безбедности и комфора, Владимир Сремчевић, 2018.