др Татјана М. Лазовић-Капор, редовни професор
Катедра за опште машинске конструкције
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Трибологија машинских елемената
Опште машинске конструкције, Mашински елементи
2008. – Доктор техничких наука, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду; Tема: „Истраживање абразивног хабања котрљајних лежаја“ 2000. – Магистар техничких наука, Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду; Tема: „Анализа утицaја геометрије котрљајног лежаја на расподелу оптерећења на котрљајна тела и крутост“ 1990. – Дипломирани инжењер машинства, Институт за алатне машине и алате СТАНКИН у Москви (садашњи Московски Државни Технолошки Универзитет), факултет Конструисање флексибилних аутоматских система, смер Конструисање алатних машина; диплома нострификована, као еквивалентна дипломи о завршеним редовним студијама на Машинском факултету Универзитет у Београду, група за Производно машинство
1. "Радни век кугличних котрљајних лежаја", 2021 (монографија) 2. "Абразивно хабање котрљајних лежаја", 2014 (монографија) 3. "Машински елементи 1", 2013, 2016, 2020 (збирка задатака) Признања СРЕБРНА МЕДАЉА са ликом Николе Тесле у области проналазака, на изложби "Проналазаштво - Београд", 2008 (група аутора) БРОНЗАНА МЕДАЉА са ликом Николе Тесле у области проналазака, на изложби "Проналазаштво - Београд", 2007 (група аутора) Трећа награда за постер презентацију рада на 6. Међународној конференцији о Математичком моделирању - MATHMOD 2009 (два аутора)
Асоцијације за дизајн, машинске елементе и конструкције (АДЕКО) Друштво за интегритет и век конструкција (ДИВК) Европско друштво за експерименталну механику (EURASEM) Комисија за техничке цртеже, толеранције, зупчанике, лежаје и навојне спојеве Института за стандардизацију Србије - ИСС (председник) Комисија за безбедност машина ИСС
Atanasovska Ivana, Momčilović Dejan B., Lazović Tatjana, Marinković Aleksandar, Soldat Nataša (2023). Biomimetics Design of Tooth Root Zone at Cylindrical Gears Profile, Biomimetics.
MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, ISSN: 2313-7673, 10.3390/biomimetics8030308, M21.
Ristivojević Mileta, Lazović Tatjana, Vencl Aleksandar (2013). Studying the load carrying capacity of spur gear tooth flanks, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 59, 125-137.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0094-114X, 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2012.09.006, M21.
Marinković Aleksandar, Stojanović Blaža, Gachot Carsten, Lazović Tatjana (2024). Analysis of Lubrication Regimes for Porous Sliding Bearing, Lubricants, 12(6).
ISSN: 2075-4442, 10.3390/lubricants12060184, M22.
Lazović Tatjana, Marinković Aleksandar, Atanasovska Ivana, Sedak Miloš, Stojanović Blaža (2024). From Innovation to Standardization—A Century of Rolling Bearing Life Formula, Machines, 12(7).
ISSN: 2075-1702, 10.3390/machines12070444, M22.
Ristivojević Mileta, Lazović Tatjana (2017). Influence of kinematic parameters and tooth geometry on gear tooth root load capacity, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series A - Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Sc, 18(2), 174-181.
Editura Academiei Romane, ISSN: 1454-9069, M22.
Marković Svetislav, Lazović Tatjana (2014). Technological heredity - A decisive factor for tribological features of regenerated gears, Engineering Failure Analysis, 42, 121-132.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2014.04.004, M22.
Ognjanović Milosav, Simonović Aleksandar, Ristivojević Mileta, Lazović Tatjana (2010). Research of rail traction shafts and axles fractures towards impact of service conditions and fatigue damage accumulation, Engineering Failure Analysis, 17(7-8), 1560-1571.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2010.06.007, M22.
Ristivojević Mileta, Mitrović Radivoje, Lazović Tatjana (2010). Investigation of causes of fan shaft failure, Engineering Failure Analysis, 17(5), 1188-1194.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2010.02.004, M22.
Lazović Tatjana, Marinković Aleksandar, Popović Vladimir (2021). Influence of Load and Design Conditions on Lubricant Film Thickness in the Deep Groove Ball Bearing, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Eng, 42(4), 381-392.
Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, ISSN: 0257-9731, M23.
Marković Svetislav, Milović Ljubica, Vrhovac Miran, Lazović Tatjana, Marinković Aleksandar, Aleksić Vujadin (2013). Life extension of gears flank surfaces regenerated by hard facing, Metalurgia International, 18(2), 81-85.
ISSN: 1582-2214, M23.
Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana, Stanković Miloš (2013). Tribological aspects of ballroom dance as a human activity with energy consumption analysis, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 19(2), 274-284.
ISSN: 1310-4772, M23.
Popović Vladimir, Vasić Branko, Lazović Tatjana, Grbović Aleksandar (2012). Application of new decision making model based on modified cost-benefit analysis - a case study: Belgrade tramway transit, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 29(6).
World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, Singapore, ISSN: 0217-5959, 10.1142/S0217595912500340, M23.
Lazović Tatjana, Mitrović Radivoje, Ristivojević Mileta (2010). Influence of internal radial clearance on the ball bearing service life, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 16(1), 1-8.
ISSN: 1310-4772, M23.
Lazović Tatjana, Ljubojević Pavle, Trišović Nataša, Trišović Zaga (2024). COMPOSITE MATERIALS - CURRENT STATE OF STANDARDIZATION, STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND LIFE, 24(1), 71-80.
ISSN: 1451-3749, M24.
Lazović Tatjana, Varagić Sanja, Milović Ljubica (2018). Contact stresses and deformations in thrust ball bearing, Machine Design, 10(3), 85-92.
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Novi Sad, ISSN: 1821-1259, 10.24867/MD.10.2018.3.85-92, M52.
Lazović Tatjana, Ljubojević Pavle, Simonović Ivan (2023). LOAD-CARRYING CAPACITY OF SHEAR-LOADED BOLTED JOINTS, IETI Transactions on Engineering Research and Practice, 7(1), 18-34.
International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI), ISSN: 2616-1699, 10.6723/TERP.202303_7(1).0003, M53.
Ljubojević Pavle, Lazović Tatjana (2023). Stiffness as a criterion of dynamic load carrying capacity of tension-loaded bolted joints, Engineering Today, 2(1), 39-49.
ISSN: 2812–9474, 10.5937/engtoday2300004L, M53.
Ristivojević Mileta, Odanović Zoran, Stamenić Zoran, Lazović Tatjana (2009). Reparatura u funkciji ekonomske, energetske i ekološke efikasnosti, Tehnika - Mašinstvo, 58(2), 13-18.
Savez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd, ISSN: 0461-2531, M53.
Atanasovska Ivana, Momčilović Dejan, Lazović Tatjana (2024). Modelling of a Coefficient of Nonlinearity in Dynamics of Deep Groove Ball Bearing with Damage, Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics, Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference Rome, June 18-22, 2023, Section: Mechanical systems and structures, 1, 169-178.
Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-50630-7, 10.1007/978-3-031-50631-4_15, M33.
Lazović Tatjana, Ljubojević Pavle, Ćirić-Kostić Snežana, Bogojević Nebojša, Dojčinović Marina, Stojanović Milan (2024). SAMPLE PREPARATION FOR CAVITATION EROSION TESTING OF 3D-PRINTED METAL, 7th International Scientific Conference COMETa 2024, 14th-16th November 2024, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
University of East Sarajevo Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo, ISBN: 978-99976-085-2-9, M33.
Trišović Zaga, Lazović Tatjana, Trišović Nataša, Ljubojević Pavle (2023). Standardization in the field of composites, International Conference on Applied Sciences - ICAS 2023, Short Abstracts.
University Politehnica Timișoara, ISSN: 1784-2797, M33.
Stojanović Milan, Ljubojević Pavle, Lazović Tatjana (2023). SIMULATION OF INVOLUTE GEAR TOOTH PROFILE SHAPING, Proceedings of 9th International Conference MoNGeometrija 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics SUGIG, ISBN: 978-86-6022-575-9, M33.
Ljubojević Pavle, Lazović Tatjana, Ćirić-Kostić Snežana (2023). Additive manufacturing - a view through the prism of standardization, Proceedings of XI TRIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HEAVY MACHINERY HM 2023 VRNJAČKA BANJA, SERBIA.
Kraljevo : University of Kragujevac Faculty of mechanical and civil engineering, ISBN: 978-86-82434-04-6, M33.
Lazović Tatjana, Simonović Ivan, Marinković Aleksandar (2022). Service Life of Universally Loaded Deep Groove Ball Bearing Depending on Internal Clearance, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 109, 121-129.
Springer Science and Business Media B.V., ISSN: 2211-0984, 10.1007/978-3-030-88465-9_9, M33.
Živanović Saša, Vorkapić Nikola, Mitrović Stefan (2022). Machine simulation of additive manufacturing tool path, Machine design in the context of Industry 4.0 – Intelligent products.
UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-119-5, M33.
Ljubojević Pavle, Simonović Ivan, Lazović Tatjana (2022). Comparative analysis of load carrying capacity of shear-loaded bolted joints, COMETa 2022 „Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Application“.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 978-99976-947-6-8, M33.
Ljubojević Pavle, Mitrović Radivoje, Lazović Tatjana (2022). CONTACT STRESS AND DEFORMATIONS IN ECCENTRICALLY LOADED THRUST BALL BEARING, The 10th International Scientific Conference IRMES 2022 “Machine design in the context of Industry 4.0 – Intelligent products”, 26 May 2022, Belgrade, Serbia.
Sedak Miloš, Lazović Tatjana, Rosić Božidar (2016). Optimization of planetary gears and effects of thin-rimed gear on fillet stress, International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016).
International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2016), M33.
Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana, Grbović Aleksandar, Stanković Miloš, Minewitsch Alexander (2016). Contact Stress Study and FME Analysis of Large Size Thrust Ball Bearings, 5th International Conference on Power Transmission BAPT2016.
ISBN: 978-608-4624-25-7, M33.
Ristivojević Mileta, Lazović Tatjana, Vencl Aleksandar (2013). Influence of the pitch point position on tooth flanks wear, 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013, 1, 587-590.
Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS), ISBN: 978-88-908185, M33.
Maneski Taško, Trišović Nataša, Lazović Tatjana, Milošević-Mitić Vesna, Jovančić Predrag (2011). Diagnostics of State and Behavior of Drive Groups on Conveyor Systems, Vibration Problems, Icovp 2011, Supplement.
Technical University Liberec, Liberec, M33.
Mitrović Časlav, Trišović Nataša, Lazović Tatjana, Marinković Aleksandar (2010). Simulation of Energy Absorption Effects during Helmet Collision with a Hard Obstacle, Civil-Comp Proceedings, 93.
Civil-Comp Press, ISSN: 1759-3433, M33.
Lazović Tatjana, Marinković Aleksandar, Trišović Nataša, Mitrović Časlav (2010). Mathematical Modelling of Load and Stress Distribution in a Ball Bearing, Proceedings of The Seventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 94.
Civil Comp Press, Edinburgh, ISSN: 1759-3433, M33.
Trišović Nataša, Lazović Tatjana, Mitrović Časlav, Marinković Aleksandar, Lazarević Mihailo, Šumarac Dragoslav, Golubović Zoran (2010). New Procedure for Dynamic Structural Reanalysis, Proceedings of Latest Trends on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology (3rd WSEAS International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '10), International Conference on Geography and Geology 2010 (WORLDGEO '10) Corfu Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2010.
WSEAS Press, ISBN: 978-960-474-203-5, M33.
Ljubojević Pavle, Lazović Tatjana, Atanasovska Ivana (2024). Influence of geometry parameters on shaft's load-carrying capacity, Book of Abstracts, The 12th International Conference Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering - KOD 2024, 23-26 May, 2024, Balatonfüred, Hungary.
Ljubojević Pavle, Dojčinović Marina, Ćitić Aleksandar, Ćirić-Kostić Snežana, Lazović Tatjana (2024). CAVITATION RATE OF LASER-SINTERED MS1 STEEL, Book of Abstracts, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies - CNN TECH, Belgrade.
ISBN: 978-86-6060-191-1, M34.
Lazović Tatjana, Ljubojević Pavle, Stojanović Milan (2024). Ball bearing life assessment depending on lubricant contamination level, 12th Annual conference of Society for Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK12) November 17-19, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.
The Society for Structural Integrity and Life „Prof. dr Stojan Sedmak“, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-900686-2-3, M34.
Stojanović Milan, Stamenić Zoran, Lazović Tatjana (2024). Mathematical modeling of the repair of worn cardan needle roller bearings, Book of Abstracts, the 10th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2024), Debrecen, Hungary, 8, 120-120.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, ISBN: 978-3-0364-1660-1, 10.4028/b-gZHse4, M34.
Ljubojević Pavle, Simonović Ivan, Lazović Tatjana (2023). Safety factor of the bolted flange joints, 2nd International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components (IRAS 2023), April 2-4, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia.
Društvo za Integritet i Vek Konstrukcija “Prof dr Stojan Sedmak” –Belgrade– Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-900686-1-6, M34.
Atanasovska Ivana, Momčilović Dejan B., Lazović Tatjana (2023). Mathematical Modelling of a Coefficient of Nonlinearity in Dynamics of Deep Groove Ball Bearing with Damage, Proceedings of the Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference - NODYCON 2023.
Lazović Tatjana, Atanasovska Ivana, Sedak Miloš (2023). A New Concept of n-Dimensional Machine Design, Book of Abstracts from 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0364-0445, M34.
Ljubojević Pavle, Ćoćić Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana (2023). Impact of Ball Bearing Geometry and Operational Load on the Volume of the Lubricant in the Bearing's Loaded Zone, Book of Abstracts from 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0364-0445, M34.
Ljubojević Pavle, Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana (2023). Testing Surface Properties of 3D Printed Metals, Book of Abstracts from 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0364-0445, M34.
Trišović Nataša, Li Wei, Lazović-Kapor Tatjana, Gavrilović Marko, Radulović Radoslav, Milić Milica, Baneasa Birtok Corneliu (2023). The Modern Approach to Optimizing Mechanical Systems, 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME), the Book of Abstracts, 2023 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland.
Trans Tech Publications, ISBN: 9783036414454, M34.
Trišović Zaga, Lazović-Kapor Tatjana, Socalici Ana Virginia, Jeli Zorana, Trišović Tomislav (2023). Innovations in Water Treatment, 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME), the Book of Abstracts, 2023 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, 2, 112-112.
Trans Tech Publications, ISBN: 9783036414454, M34.
Jeremić Olivera, Li Wei, Trišović Nataša, Socalici Ana Virginia, Baneasa Birtok Corneliu, Lazović-Kapor Tatjana, Petrović Ana (2023). Refinement of the Finite Element Model for Enhanced Structural Analysis, 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME), the Book of Abstracts, 2023 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, 2, 44-44.
2023 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland, editors: Mihály Csüllög and Dr. Tamas Mankovits, ISBN: 9783036414454, M34.
Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana, Sedak Miloš, Šumarac Milana (2019). Optimization methods in machine design as an advanced tool for tribology, Book of Abstracts of 7th European Conference on Tribology ECOTRIB 2019, 12-14 June, Wien, Austria.
The Austrian Tribology Society, ISBN: 978-3-901657-60-3, M34.
Trišović Nataša, Lazović Tatjana, Mitrović Časlav, Marinković Aleksandar, Lazarević Mihailo, Šumarac Dragoslav M., Golubović Zoran (2010). New procedure for dynamic structural reanalysis, International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology, International Co.
Marković Svetislav, Milović Ljubica, Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana (2011). Tribološki aspekti izbora dodatnog materijala kod površinske reparacije zupčanika tvrdim navarivanjem, Structural Integrity and Life, 11(2), 127-130.
Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-3749, M51.
Lazović Tatjana, Atanasovska Ivana (2024). Nova Uredba o mašinama (EU) 2023/1230, 8. naučno-stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem “ODRŽAVANJE 2024” Zenica, BiH, 13-14. novembar 2024..
Univerzitet u Zenici, Mašinski fakultet, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina, ISBN: 1986-583X, M63.
Marinković Aleksandar, Simonović Ivan, Lazović Tatjana (2021). Load capacity for self-lubricating sliding bearings, The 10th International Conference on Tribology – BALKANTRIB ’20.
Serbian Tribology Society, ISBN: 978-86-6060-072-3.
Marinković Aleksandar, Stanković Miloš, Lazović Tatjana, Milović Ljubica (2015). Self-lubritating Bearings of Polymer Materials – Application and Performances, Proceedings of OeTG – Symposium 2015, Wiener Neustadt.
ISBN: 978-3-901657-51-1.
Marinković Aleksandar, Stanković Miloš, Milović Ljubica, Lazović Tatjana, Marković Svetislav (2014). Experimental Investigation of Self-Lubricating Sliding Bearings, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2014).
ISBN: 978-963-473-751-3.
Milović Ljubica, Aleksić Vujadin, Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana, Stanković Miloš (2014). Experimental j-integral Determination of Different Weldments Region at Low Temperature, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2014).
ISBN: 978-963-473-751-3.
Stanković Miloš, Grbović Aleksandar, Marinković Aleksandar, Milović Ljubica, Lazović Tatjana (2014). Simulation of the Crack Propagation through a Planar Plate with the Middle Positioned Cylindrical Hole, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ISCAME 2014).
ISBN: 978-963-473-751-3.
Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana, Stanković Miloš (2012). Experimental investigation of porous metal bearings, Icem15: 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics.
Inegi-Inst Engenharia Mecanica E Gestao Industrial, Porto.
Lazović Tatjana, Milović Ljubica, Marković Svetislav, Ristivojević Mileta (2012). An analysis of fan roller bearing failure, Icem15: 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics.
Inegi-Inst Engenharia Mecanica E Gestao Industrial, Porto.
Marinković Aleksandar, Lazović Tatjana, Stanković Miloš (2012). Daq and tribology performances for experimental investigationof bearings, 29th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012.
University of Belgrade.
Marković Svetislav, Lazović Tatjana, Milović Ljubica, Stojiljković B. (2012). The first hydroelectric power plant in the Balkans built on the basis of Tesla’s principles, History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 15, 395-406.
Springer, ISSN: 1875-3442, 10.1007/978-94-007-4132-4_27.
Marinković Aleksandar, Marković S., Lazović Tatjana, Stanković Miloš, Ristić M. (2010). Computer Aided Design and Simulation of a Machine Production Line for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Duct Systems, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology.
Mitrović Radivoje, Ristivojević Mileta, Stefanović N., Stamenić Zoran, Lazović Tatjana (2005). Service problems of fresh air fan of fossil fuel power plant - Part II construction design improvement, 11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11, 3, 2322-2327.
Lazović Tatjana (2021). Radni vek kugličnih kotrljajnih ležaja, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, ISBN: 978-86-6060-082-2.
Lazović Tatjana (2014). Abrazivno habanje kotrljajnih ležaja.
Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, ISBN: 978-86-7083-827-7.
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